
Our bodies operate on an internal clock that regulates various physiological processes across a 24-hour cycle, influencing everything from our sleep patterns to the way we metabolize food. This internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, is crucial to our overall health and wellbeing.

In this in-depth exploration, we will uncover the scientific insights on how circadian rhythms affect both our physical and mental health. Whether you’re a health aficionado, a wellness constructor, or simply a lover of science, this narrative around the hidden power of your body’s clock will inform, intrigue, and possibly transform your daily routine.

The Blueprint of a Circadian Rhythm

Circadian Rhythms Unveiled

The word “circadian” comes from the Latin words “circa” (around) and “diem” (day), indicating that these are rhythms that follow a roughly 24-hour day-night cycle. They are endogenously generated, but are affected by external cues, most notably light and darkness.

The Body’s Internal Clockwork

Circadian rhythms are more than just timers; they are a fundamental element woven into the fabric of our existence, directing the ebb and flow of multiple body functions throughout the day. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus is the hub for this internal clock, which orchestrates a complex symphony of hormone releases, body temperatures, and cellular activities.

See a video featuring Dr. Sachin Panda PhD on how the circadian affects our metabolic health

The Sleep-Health Connection

Navigating The Sleep-Wake Cycle

The circadian clock is intricately linked to the sleep-wake cycle, and the hormone melatonin is the conductor of this symphony. Melatonin levels typically increase in the late afternoon and peak in the early hours of the morning, preparing the body for sleep. Conversely, cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, peaks in the morning, awakening the body and getting it ready for the day.

The Significance of Sleep Consistency

Irregular sleep patterns can disrupt the circadian system, leading to issues like insomnia, sleep apnea, or even sleep phase disorders. These interruptions not only impact sleep quantity but also the quality of our rest, which is arguably the foundation of good health.

Impact on Physical Well-being

Balancing The Metabolic Scales

Circadian rhythms are essential for metabolic function, influencing the peaks and troughs of hunger, the breakdown of nutrients, and the regulation of glucose levels. Disruptions to these rhythms can lead to an increased risk of metabolic disorders, weight gain, and even obesity.

The Immune System Dance

The time-keeping system of the body also holds sway over the immune system, regulating the release of immune cells at the most effective times. When we are not in sync with our internal clock, our immune defences may operate at suboptimal levels, leading to greater susceptibility to infections and inflammatory conditions.

Influence on Mental Health and Cognition

Dawn and Dusk of Mood Disorders

Circadian disruptions have been strongly associated with mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder. The causality may be bi-directional; mental health influences circadian rhythms, and vice versa. When these rhythms go awry, it often leads to disturbances in the hormone balance and neural networks that are critical to mood stabilization.

Cognitive Harmony

Circadian rhythms also impact cognitive function and our ability to concentrate, reason, and recall information. It’s no wonder that instances of cognitive impairment are often linked to individuals who work against their natural sleep-wake patterns.

Aligning with Your Body’s Clock

The Art of Circadian Synchronization

Incorporating circadian-awareness into your daily routine can yield profound benefits to your health. This involves understanding your body’s natural energy peaks and planning high-focus work or exercise during these times, and restful activities during your internal lull periods.

The Sleep Sanctuary Creation

Creating a sleep sanctuary that resonates with the circadian system can significantly improve sleep quality. This includes dimming the lights and reducing screen time before bed, keeping the sleeping environment cool and dark, and establishing consistent sleep and wake times.

Navigating Modern Lifestyle Challenges

The Modern Dilemma of Disrupted Rhythms

Our modern way of life can significantly disrupt the natural circadian rhythms. The scourge of evening screen time, late-night work shifts, and even intercontinental travel can throw our internal clock for a loop, leading to a range of health problems.

Strategies for Resetting

If you find that your circadian rhythms are out of sync, there are strategies you can use to help readjust your body’s clock. These include exposure to bright light in the morning, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and employing relaxation techniques in the evening.

Conclusion: A Harmonious Life with Circadian Rhythms

Our understanding of circadian rhythms is continually evolving, but what remains clear is their central role in maintaining health and fostering well-being. By respecting and aligning our lifestyles with these natural cycles, we stand to gain a treasure trove of benefits that extend far beyond the boundaries of our internal clock.

The science speaks for itself. It’s time to listen to our bodies’ whispers and work with, not against, our circadian rhythms. Whether it’s ensuring restful sleep, fine-tuning our metabolisms, guarding our mental fortitude, or honing our daily existence for maximum health, the circadian rhythm is a symphony worth fostering.

Now is your chance to make deliberate choices that honour your circadian system. It might just be the life rhythm that outlasts the test of time.

Learn about “BodyCloc” a supplement that I helped developed designed to work with your Circadian Rhythm


In the never-ending quest for more effective mental health treatments, a centuries-old compound is re-emerging with potential to revolutionize the field. Psilocybin—known for its presence in “magic mushrooms”—is at the heart of a new wave of psychotherapy, proving to be an intriguing addition to the toolkit of psychiatrists and mental health professionals. This blog post will explore the advancements in assisted psilocybin psychotherapy, shedding light on its potential, current state, and future trajectory.

Understanding Psilocybin Psychotherapy

Unlocking the Substance

Initially introduced to the masses by indigenous cultures, psilocybin is a naturally occurring compound found in certain mushrooms. It became widely known in the West during the counterculture movement of the 1960s, only to be banned in many countries following stricter categorization of substances. Despite this, research persisted underground and in more permissive regions.

Delving into the Psychedelic Experience

When correctly administered in a controlled environment, psilocybin produces powerful psychological effects, including a profoundly altered state of consciousness. This experience, often described as “psychedelic,” can involve euphoria, introspective insights, and a sense of interconnectedness with the universe. In the context of therapy, this altered state is approached with intention, guiding patients through a process of self-reflection and emotional healing.

Benefits of Assisted Psilocybin Therapy

Mental Health Improvements

Research indicates that psilocybin therapy has the potential to significantly alleviate symptoms in various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The therapy’s effects are reported to be enduring, with some studies showcasing a single dose’s ability to induce a lasting positive shift in mood and outlook.

Treatment-Resistant Conditions

One of the most promising aspects of psilocybin therapy is its ability to aid individuals who are resistant to traditional treatment. In the realm of depression, where conventional approaches can fail a significant portion of patients, psilocybin might provide a much-needed alternative path toward healing.

Holistic Healing Approach

Assisted psilocybin therapy is more than just a psychological experience; it’s frequently described as a spiritually significant event. Its holistic approach addresses the interconnected nature of mental, emotional, and sometimes even physical well-being, leading to a more comprehensive healing process.

Current Research and Studies

Groundbreaking Discoveries

Recent studies on psilocybin therapy have provided compelling evidence of its effectiveness. For instance, a landmark study at Imperial College London revealed that patients with treatment-resistant depression experienced substantial reductions in depressive symptoms after two doses of psilocybin. Other research explores its potential for smoking cessation and even end-of-life anxiety in terminally ill patients.

Clinical Trials and Methodologies

To legitimize its medical application, psilocybin therapy is undergoing rigorous clinical trials. These trials employ a blend of traditional psychological support alongside carefully structured doses of psilocybin, ensuring the patients’ safety and maximizing the therapeutic experience.

Challenges and Considerations

Legal and Ethical Hurdles

Despite growing evidence of its benefits, psilocybin’s societal and legal status presents significant barriers. Its current classification as a Schedule I substance in the United States, for example, places tight restrictions on its use and research. There are also ethical considerations surrounding its use in therapy and accessibility to patients in need.

Integration into Mainstream Healthcare

For psilocybin therapy to reach its full potential, it must find acceptance within mainstream healthcare systems. This involves not only changing legal frameworks but also navigating the cautious medical landscape wary of its past associations with recreational use.

Future Outlook

Potential Impact on Mental Health Treatment

Should psilocybin therapy continue to demonstrate positive outcomes, it has the potential to reshape mental health treatment paradigms. Its possible use alongside, or in place of, traditional psychiatric medications is a promising avenue, offering a different approach for people who do not respond to conventional treatments.

Opportunities for Further Research and Development

The future of psilocybin therapy lies in extensive further research, exploring dosing regimens, the optimal therapeutic settings, and the full scope of its potential applications. Additionally, there’s room for the development of supportive technologies and treatment protocols addressing patients’ post-therapy integration and aftercare.


The recent advancements in assisted psilocybin psychotherapy mark a pivotal moment in the evolution of mental health care. While it faces significant hurdles, the accumulating evidence of its therapeutic capabilities, combined with the growing cultural openness to alternative healing modalities, suggests a bright future. The potential to uplift countless individuals from the trenches of mental health struggles underscores the importance of continuing the conversation and research around this potentially game-changing form of therapy. With the right support and approach, psilocybin therapy could stand as a beacon of hope for those in need of relief from the burdens of the mind.

For ongoing clinical trials and an in-depth look at psilocybin assisted therapy check out the work being done at Compass Pathways

Here are a few centres offering psilocybin assisted therapy:

Empire Psychotherapy 
Dr. Erica Zelfand N.D.

Check out my article on Psilocybin and the Default Mode Network Click Here


Hello, fellow health enthusiasts! Today, let’s hit a high note and delve into something that combines our love for rhythm and wellness – Music Therapy.

Now, you might be thinking, “Music Therapy? Is that just listening to Mozart while sipping chamomile tea?” Well, not quite! The American Music Therapy Association defines it as “the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional.” In simpler words, it’s using music strategically to improve your health and well-being.

Before you start frantically searching for your old recorder or tambourine, let’s tune into some of the incredible ways music therapy can strike a chord with your mental health.

1. Stress Relief: Researchers at Stanford University found that rhythmic music has a profound effect on brain function, acting like a natural stress-buster. So, the next time you’re pulling your hair out over your boss’s impossible deadline, maybe try drumming on your desk. Just tell your annoyed colleagues it’s for science!

2. Improved Mood: A study from the Journal of Positive Psychology suggests that people who actively engage with music through dancing or attending concerts report higher levels of subjective well-being. If you’ve ever belted out your favorite song in the shower or busted a move at a concert, you’ll know exactly what they’re talking about!

3. Better Sleep: Struggling with insomnia? A review of 10 different studies found that listening to relaxing classical music before bed significantly improves sleep quality. So, Beethoven might just be the sleep guru you’ve been looking for.

4. Enhanced Focus: A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience discovered that background music helps people focus on tasks, especially those that require constant attention. So, if you’re finding it hard to concentrate on this blog (I’ll try not to take it personally), maybe put on some Bach.

Working with a music therapist

Music therapy treatment sessions can be an enlightening and transformative experience. Under the guidance of a certified music therapist, these sessions generally begin with an initial assessment to understand the client’s needs and establish therapeutic goals. Following this, the therapist uses various music-based activities, which may include listening to music, creating music using instruments, singing, or moving to music.

The cost of music therapy can vary greatly depending on the therapist, location, and duration of the session, but generally, it ranges from $70 to $120 per session. Some health insurance providers may cover part or all of the cost, so it’s worth checking with your provider.

The course of music therapy is highly individualized and depends on the client’s specific needs. However, most people typically begin to see the benefits after 6 to 12 weekly sessions. It’s important to remember that the journey of healing and growth is different for everyone, and some may require more sessions to experience significant improvements.

Music therapy is a versatile therapeutic tool that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, and even physical ailments like chronic pain. By providing an outlet for self-expression and a means to explore and regulate emotions, music therapy can enhance relaxation, promote emotional well-being, and facilitate personal growth.

Overall, music therapy is not just about the music—it’s about using music as a channel to open doors, heal wounds, and create connections. It’s a symphony where each note, each pause, and each crescendo is a step toward wellness.

Looking for a music therapist? Here is a link to the Ontario Association of Music Therapists

Incorporating music into daily living

Now, you might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but how do I incorporate this into my daily routine?” Well, here’s the beauty of music therapy – it can fit into every nook and cranny of your day. Listen to uplifting tunes while brushing your teeth, hum a calming melody during your commute, or even conduct a mini symphony while waiting for your coffee to brew!

The science is clear: music therapy hits all the right notes when it comes to boosting mental health. It’s like having your own personal health DJ, spinning tracks to help you handle stress, improve your mood, get better sleep, and enhance focus. So, why not give it a try? After all, in the wise words of Friedrich Nietzsche, “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Alright, health-conscious maestros, it’s time to wrap up this symphony. Stay tuned for more exciting health revelations, and remember, always keep your mind sharp and your playlists sharper!

Click Here for more articles by Dr. Shawn Meirovici N.D.


Over the past few years, there has been a lot of buzz around psilocybin, a psychedelic compound found in some types of mushrooms. Although the use of psychedelic mushrooms may be most often associated with recreational use, researchers are now starting to see the potential for therapeutic benefits. New studies have revealed that psilocybin can have a profound effect on our brains by altering the activity of something called the “default mode network.” Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

What Is The Default Mode Network?

The default mode network (DMN) is a set of brain regions that are active when we’re not actively engaged in any task or conversation. It’s responsible for helping us think about ourselves and our place in the world, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as our “internal dialogue.” It’s also important for forming memories and making decisions.

How Does Psilocybin Affect The DMN?

Recent research has found that psilocybin can significantly alter activity in the Default Mode Network (DMN), offering potential therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions. In a study conducted at Imperial College London, researchers administered psilocybin to participants before having them complete cognitive tests. They found that those who had taken psilocybin showed improved performance on tasks related to creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making compared to those who had not taken it. This suggested that psilocybin could be useful for improving cognition and potentially even treating certain mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
In support of these findings, a subsequent study conducted by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine uncovered similar results after they administered psilocybin to healthy volunteers. Participants were asked to complete a range of cognitive tasks designed to measure their memory, concentration, and attention span, before and after taking the drug. They found that those who took the psilocybin showed better performance across all three measures compared with their pre-ingestion baseline results.
Another recent study from the University of Zurich examined how different doses of psilocybin affect brain connectivity in people with depression. They used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scanning to monitor changes in brain activity associated with taking different doses of the drug. The researchers discovered that higher doses correlated with reduced connections between regions within the DMN, a key network involved in depression. Lower doses led to increased connectivity between regions outside the DMN. This suggests that taking different amounts of psilocybin could bring about varying effects on mood regulation and emotion processing depending on individual needs and current state of mental health.

The Effects Of Long-Term Use

The potential long term outcomes of augmenting the default mode network via use of psychedelics are numerous and varied. Perhaps most notably, research into this area suggests that regular and repeated use of psychedelics may result in improved cognitive functioning as well as higher levels of creativity. In particular, studies suggest that individuals who utilize psychedelics on a regular basis display improved attentional capacity, greater cognitive flexibility, increased working memory, enhanced insightfulness, and even improved mood regulation. Psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity has been linked to a variety of positive psychological changes including increased openness to experience, greater sense of well-being, and improved self-efficacy.
Moreover, recent studies have also suggested that long term use of psychedelics may confer protective effects against certain mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. In particular, research has indicated that regular users possess elevated levels of serotonin receptor binding and fewer signs of depression than those without prior exposure to psychedelic substances. Similarly, individuals who regularly engage with psychedelics also show reduced rates of anxiety due to the drug’s ability to induce feelings of safety and security.
Additionally, scientists have theorized that sustained use may potentially lead to more lasting structural changes within the brain such as altered neuronal connections or increases in dendritic spine density. These changes could further reduce vulnerability to mental health issues over time.
Overall then it appears that the potential long term outcomes of augmenting the default mode network via use of psychedelics are highly promising; not only do they promise improvements in various aspects related to cognition but they also appear to confer neuroprotective benefits which could help ameliorate various mental health disorders over time. It must be noted, however, that much more research needs to be done in this area before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding these potential long term impacts.


The research between psilocybin and the Default Mode Network is providing strong evidence that psilocybin has a significant potential to be used as an effective treatment for mental health and neuroplasticity. The connectivity of the DMN to areas of the brain related to emotional processing, memory, and self-referential thought suggest that psilocybin could lead to more positive outcomes in areas mental health and neuroplasticity.
Additionally, studies have shown that psilocybin can decrease activity in the DMN, leading to potentially decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety. Many researchers are now beginning to look into how this form of treatment might be integrated into traditional psychotherapeutic approaches. With all these promising findings, it’s likely that more research will continue on this topic with even more promising outcomes related to mental health neuroplasticity.


Patient focused integrative health care. Utilizing effective natural approaches designed to be used alone or to compliment conventional medical care.


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